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POBox 99, Kehewin, AB, T0A 1C0





To: Principals. Parents & Teachers

From: Rosa John Artistic Director,

Kehewin Native Dance Theatre

RE: Native Youth Arts Festival

Kehewin Native Dance Theatre (KNDT) has received funding to once again host an arts festival for youth. In 2000 KDNT held their first youth arts festival. From 2000-2004 KNDT held 4 yearly festivals. We now recognize the need to once again bring performance, visual and music arts into the forefront of our youth’s lives.

With this in mind, we invite youth and their chaperones/teachers to the international Youth Arts Festival that KNDT will be hosting on May 15th & 16th 2024. The festival will be held at the Frog Lake Cree Nation. The festival will include performances such as dance, theatre, singing, storytelling, guest speakers as well as various traditional and contemporary workshops for the youth to take part in.

Festival registration fee $5.00 for each youth.
Lunch registration fee $5.00 a day. (Includes a sandwich, juice, fruit and dessert).
T-shirts will be available in sizes small to x-large at a fee of $15.00.

Please ensure that each child brings a refillable water bottle, as we will not have water bottles available. Please note that on the Thursday May 16th, 2024 we will be honouring residential school survivors. We ask that anyone who has an orange shirt wear it on that day.

In Unity,
Rosa John


Oskayak Atoskeyakanak
Youth Empowerment in Our Communities
Indigenous Youth Festival

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